Thoughts about The Atlantic article - The Anti Social Century
Thoughts while reading the aritle “[The Anti Social Century] (” at the Calgary Central Library: (Sorry you can onyl read it if you subscribe or go to a public library to read the physical magazine)
New Obscurantism
Techno-optimism has given way to techo-pessimism, a fear that technology controls us in ways we can’t understand.
Loneliness is a healthy emotional response that drives you to get out and socialize. But solitude levels are increasing while response to loneliness is flat, or decreasing. The “loneliness epidemic” doesn’t really exist. And that’s not good.
Is socializing a rich white people thing now?
Young people’s attention is now focused on devices that take them out of their body.
All this isolationism seems to have accelerated in 2003. What happened in 2003? Or is that just a useful date to compare before and after? Internet?
If you find the notion of emotional intercourse with an immaterial to ntity creepy, consider the many friends and family members who exist in your life mainly as words on a screen.
Amistics, from seveneves, the practice of carefully selecting which technologies to accept. Similar to the Amish approach to technology.
The way we spent our minutes is the way we spend our decades.